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  • Writer's pictureKatrina Dutt

Dripping with Drama

The lights dim, the audience slowly quiets, and then three men dressed in black take the stage. A talented guitarist, practically a kid with only fuzz for a mustache, and two singers, both with thick dark hair and mystical eyes. With the first strum of the guitar, the show begins.

The dancer comes out, flirting, toying with both the shadows and the stage. Finally, she steps into the light, wearing a dark dress that fits her body perfectly. She’s a classic Spanish beauty with shiny black hair and darkened eyes and lips. At first, you’re afraid she’s taking herself too seriously. She’s dripping with drama, and all eyes follow her every movement. She whirls, clacks, and stomps her way through the first act, all the while keeping taut the string between her body and her audience, between her body and the men sitting behind her. It’s extremely intimate.

The second act is the continuation of the story. This chapter is floral, sweet, and bright. She smiles. She wears a dress with a light floral design, and her face has transformed: mirth and humor light up her eyes and lift the corners of her mouth. She dances as much with her eyes as with her feet, and you feel like she’s letting you in on a secret. Her eyes offer a special invitation to be transported into her realm of perfect rhythm and flair, or, perhaps, a barely-concealed dare to imagine her naked.

She’s a master of the beat, flowing together in an intricate dance with the men playing, singing, and clapping behind her. Her entire body becomes a percussion instrument: tongue clicking, heels flashing, fingers snapping, hands clapping. At times, a look of madness overtakes her and you feel the passion, pride, and determination seeping from her pores. These emotions are apparent in the sheen of sweat on her brow, her labored breaths, and the way her hair escapes from her braid and goes wild in front of her face. This performance is a labor of love.

As the third and final act climaxes in a fury of motion and sound, everything pauses just for a moment. Then, a final ¡olé! and a rush of applause. For the last hour, she’s devoted her entire being to this performance, to being here and now. With a bow and a kiss, she leaves the stage, yet her presence lingers.

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