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  • Writer's pictureKatrina Dutt

To my generation, Gen Z:

Updated: Jan 5, 2023

We are distracted so much of the time. How can we slow down to appreciate those things that bring us true joy, purpose, and beauty?

We are so disconnected from nature. Why have we let ourselves come to accept negative environmental externalities as 'normal' when doing business?

We are too selfish. Where did valuing the greater good go? Sharing our privilege?

What matters in life:

- relationship with self

- relationships with other people

- clean water, tasty food, shelter

- purpose

Purpose. Is this where we’ve been lucky enough to go off the rails? Since we essentially have slave labor (in our country and in other countries) working to produce the things we need (and don’t need), so many of us are allowed to make video games and art instead of fixing potholes, making clothes, and growing food.

The shift from agrarian to industrial to the creative economy is profound in the ways that it has changed our values. Many of us arguably live much better off this way, yet we have also lost important things, such as our connection to nature and the cycles of the earth. How many kids and people walk barefoot outside anymore? We’ve even lost the connection to ourselves and our communities in many ways, hiding away in our houses, full of loneliness and disconnection despite being more connected (virtually) than ever before. Our world has become simultaneously more material and more disembodied; on what hand, we can endlessly buy things, receive constant marketing, and live in a culture of "more is better." It seems that we value material things above all else and growth for growth's sake. On the other hand, people are increasingly detached from worldly things and focus their efforts on curating their online image or working online. This is a crazy cool world that we get to live in, but I fear we might be distracted and disconnected from things that might bring us more fulfillment and purpose in life.

If we don’t feel any connections, then it’s really hard to care.

Connection to the earth -> care for the earth

Connection to yourself -> care for yourself

Connection to your fellow humans -> care for your fellow humans

Connection is often forged through hardship. My generation doesn't know true hardship compared to generations of the past. We haven’t personally gone through war. We haven’t seen our sons and brothers and daughters and sisters killed. We haven’t known the fear of war on our soil. Covid is the closest to a plague we’ve experienced. The Great Recession was bad, but we were young. I know I’m lucky. I know I’m privileged. But are we less connected to each other because of it?

We’re all just learning how to live life for the first time. But let’s not let it pass us by while we’re twirling our hair and scrolling on our phones.

Do the things that bring lasting meaning to your life. Make art, journal, move your body, go on adventures, and make friends. Make sure you get meaning from helping others or doing something outside of yourself. Seek discomfort. Really. Stop shying away from the things that are hard.

Time is precious, but we have a lot of it.

Let’s stop profiting off those who are less fortunate than we are.

We are all connected. The illusion is disconnection.

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