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  • Writer's pictureKatrina Dutt

Quickly Savoring the Gelato

Last night's gelato was inevitable for I hadn't had my daily scoops yet. And, I say develop habits early, so I couldn't miss one on my fourth day in Italy. This gelato place was unlike the others in that we couldn't see the tantalizing array of colors. No, they hid them under silver lids and only had names on a board to help us decide. I have been trying at least one new flavor each time, so I got a nougat along with my new favorite, pistachio. The choice is always so difficult.

The creamy sweetness hit my tongue on the first lick and I remembered why this is becoming a habit for better or worse. Gelato is denser, richer, and more intensely flavored than the ice cream I know so well at home. This gelato melted so quickly that I could barely keep up. There is no savoring slowly—you must savor every lick and bite before it's dripping and gone by its own volition.

The first few licks are always the best ones, and once the law of diminishing returns kicks in, you breathe a sigh of relief when you've licked your way through the cold richness of the gelato to the crispy cone.

By the time I'd eaten the last bite of cone and walked around last night, my heart and taste buds were satisfied. There's hardly a better way to enjoy an evening than eating a gelato, walking through narrow cobblestone streets, and making good conversation with new friends.

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