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  • Writer's pictureKatrina Dutt

A Quest for Risotto

I like the idea of risotto so much more than I like the taste of it. In fact, the thing that makes it so risotto-y (all that starch) is exactly what I don’t care for. There’s a bitterness that builds in my mouth as I spoon each comforting bite into my mouth. The real reason I wanted to make risotto is because it reminds me of my dad. He has made it for as long as I can remember, carefully stirring with each addition of warmed broth. Usually, my dad likes to find a new recipe every night, but risotto is one of the few recipes he makes without a recipe. He doesn’t measure much, just cooks by feel. His risotto is simple and always has two additions: mushrooms and frozen peas.

So, I added mushrooms and frozen peas to my risotto when I cooked it a couple of nights ago. Finding risotto rice is always a little challenging, and here in Spain, I’ve had my eyes peeled for it ever since the idea of risotto popped into my mind over a month ago. Finally, I found carnaroli rice and went for it. It was my first time cooking risotto on my own, and I enjoyed it almost as much as I love watching my dad make it.

I’ve realized that I like the process of making risotto with my dad about as much as I like eating it. In fact, cooking with my family is one of my favorite things in the world. Sometimes it’s only when you move away from home that you truly realize what makes home feel like home. Risotto, in all its starchy comfort, reminds me of all the love from my dad.

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